
一般人跟著音浪一起流動,隨時要小心不要被撞到地上,中國藝術家杜昆(DU Kun)將音浪波動轉化成充滿詩意的中國傳統山水畫,反差之大,恐怕會讓人直接坐倒在地上,將傳統畫作與前衛音樂結合,杜昆努力從他的作品,解析出流行音樂的影子。


“電音雲龍圖 (Cloud Dragon in Electronic Noise)” (2020), scroll, ink, and color on silk, 70 × 860 centimeters (painting), 75 × 1172 centimeters (scroll), 82 × 11 × 12 centimeters (camphor wood box)© Du Kun, courtesy of the artist and Mizuma Gallery

“臨江聽箏 (Listening to the Guzheng While Overlooking a River)” (2021), ink and color on silk, 27 × 150 centimeters (painting), 33 × 180 centimeters (silk), 39 × 186 × 5 centimeters (framed)© Du Kun, courtesy of the artist and Mizuma Gallery


“三遠即興 (Sanyuan Improvisation)” (2021), ink and color on silk, 19 × 136 centimeters (painting), 25 × 180 centimeters (silk), 30 × 186 × 3 centimeters (framed)© Du Kun, courtesy of the artist and Mizuma Gallery

“三遠即興 (Sanyuan Improvisation)” (2021), ink and color on silk, 19 × 136 centimeters (painting), 25 × 180 centimeters (silk), 30 × 186 × 3 centimeters (framed)© Du Kun, courtesy of the artist and Mizuma Gallery

“登樓 / Going Upstairs” (2021), scroll, ink and color on silk, 50 × 600 centimeters (painting), 51 × 836 centimeters (scroll), 62 × 11 × 12 centimeters (camphor wood box)© Du Kun, courtesy of the artist and Mizuma Gallery

“登樓 / Going Upstairs” (2021), scroll, ink and color on silk, 50 × 600 centimeters (painting), 51 × 836 centimeters (scroll), 62 × 11 × 12 centimeters (camphor wood box)© Du Kun, courtesy of the artist and Mizuma Gallery

“登樓 / Going Upstairs” (2021), scroll, ink and color on silk, 50 × 600 centimeters (painting), 51 × 836 centimeters (scroll), 62 × 11 × 12 centimeters (camphor wood box)© Du Kun, courtesy of the artist and Mizuma Gallery


目前杜昆正在新加坡Mizuma Gallery舉行個展《Scores of Landscapes》(譜山水),展出方式包含了線上或線下實體展覽,歡迎大家一起在杜昆的山水畫中,一起聆聽現代流行音樂。

參考來源|ColossalMizuma Gallery

© Du Kun, courtesy of the artist and Mizuma Gallery

日式禪意庭院的極簡版 DJ 台!以枯山水為靈感、調節器化身鵝卵石的設計質感音樂控制台
看似美麗山水畫,近看讓人驚艷又驚訝-「來自新世界 From The New World」


若想分享創意或新聞訊息,歡迎寄至 hi@damanwoo.com