9.13 - 10.13『THE GRIME CASEBOOK 髒兮兮事件簿』//悠畫廊

從街頭發蹟的兩位藝術家,常期與顏料、噴漆為伍,褲子衣物常沾滿創作生涯的痕跡,像是一本髒兮兮的筆記本,紀錄著街頭作畫累積出的一切。 AhdiaOne作品源自美國東岸的地鐵塗鴉。以英文字母A H D I A 為出發點,利用無機、生冷的化工顏料,噴灑出有機、繽紛的顏色,與洗練的線條堆疊出自成一格的彩色風景。 Candy Bird的塗鴉、壁畫作品常與現實環境結合,利用想像力把表達的內容,巧妙融合成獨特的、笑中帶淚的幽默。其反應自身在面對諸多制約時產生的無奈情緒,放大影射人生當中無形的壓迫,也反應時事議題。譬如正在運轉中的諸多「發展」政策,在單向度的思考下,往往是在美好口號裡踐踏人的基本價值。 「髒兮兮」也影射了他們放在室內的作品,絕不是那種精緻、一塵不染的吹毛求疵,而是一種不假修飾的粗糙精神,只求畫面傳達的能量。髒兮兮也意味著穿著體面,但行為如豺狼虎豹般的政客。

The exhibition “The Grime Casebook”presents a collection of imagery which records the fact that the two street artists frequently utilize spray paint enough that their cloths are covered by markings of their making, like a case book of what they've been through.

AhdiaOne was inspired by the street art of the underground metro in U.S. East Coast, artworks are always developed from his English name, using chemical paint material, creating chromatic and organic images, carrying the message of existence, "I was here". Candy Bird's graffiti and murals often blend into the environment, showing us the originality of the artist's artwork and humor. The subjects of Candy Bird's work vary, but the main two is always about the feeling of restriction that can't be dealt with, and the current issue of land development. “The Grime Casebook”tells the viewers that their creations are not the delicate type of work, but the rough type that speaks to the people of the artists' energy. In Candy Bird's definition, the 'grime' image also presents the well-dressed but corrupted politicians.

關於悠畫廊 悠畫廊是臺灣獨特展示國際級街頭藝術之藝廊。我們展示街頭藝術中的極品,希望臺灣的觀眾即使無法親身經歷世界各地之街頭藝術,也能在這裡欣賞到那股強烈的原創及特有文化精神。

悠畫廊 Yo Gallery 營業時間ll Tue-Sun 1pm-8:30pm 歡迎預約

電話ll 02 2563-3151 / 0972-896207

Email ll [email protected]

網站ll www.yo-gallery.com

Facebook ll www.facebook.com/theyogallery

地址ll 臺北捷運中山地下書街文創區B44 展間 (開車:中山北路二段44 巷底R9 出口/ 捷運:可由雙連站下站,沿地下街往中山站走至B44 店位)



新思惟人文空間 AT ART KAOHSIUNG 2013高雄藝術博覽會


大人物 大人物小明
